Where Do You Stand?

We’ve already crossed the 80% mark of 2023! 

Now is the perfect time to reflect on the year and plan for 2024, both personally and professionally.

Most likely you have been very busy and are not all interested in goal setting and review. 

Or feel stuck and frustrated just thinking about goals.  

I can relate, and I know there are better ways to do this:

There are Two Key Principles to boost your confidence and inspiration, have a look at the below.

1. Appreciate Your Journey:

Take a moment to look back at the year and appreciate your efforts, regardless of the results. Remember, you have control over your efforts and you definitely want to recognize yourself for your efforts! Also, acknowledge the challenges you have conquered, the detours you have taken, and the new things you’ve tried and learned along the way.

2. Define Success Holistically:

Success is more than just money or status; it’s about thriving in all areas of your life and work. Reevaluate your measures of success to make them meaningful to you. These measures should reflect who you want to become, what you want to achieve and how you want to be known / remembered.

Here are some Key Measures to consider for your work:

Your Impact: Consider the people and communities you have influenced with your presence, activities, work or business.

Quality Results and Services: Reflect on the difference you, your product or service have made for others and the transformations they have experienced.

Development and Advancement: Think about your personal / professional and your team’s development, the skills you have acquired and the confidence and competence you have gained.

Visibility and Recognition: Assess the visibility you have gained in your community or industry and the appreciation you have received from your clients / customers and coworkers / colleagues.

Networks and Relationships: Recognize the social networks you have established through your work and in your industry, the colleagues you have met and the friendships you have developed.

Growth: Look at the growth you experienced by meeting new people, traveling, learning new systems and processes and stretching beyond your comfort zone.

By reviewing the different areas, you will find yourself energized and your confidence will boost when you realize your transformation and advancement. These changes in you and your career’s growth and success will fuel your determination to take inspired actions toward your goals.

Personal Measures of Success: 

Looking for a boost in your personal life?

Here it is, apply these principles to your personal life, it’s powerful! 

Define your holistic measures of success and track your progress in areas like health, fitness, self-care, family, relationships, spirituality, hobbies, leisure time, travel and more.

Now it’s time to take action!  

Start on the above and let me know how it goes.  If you would like to develop a personal or a strategic action plan for your business with key measures unique to you and / or your work, contact me to get started. 

Don’t let the remaining 20% of the year slip by without setting your intentions and appreciating how far you’ve come. It’s time to embrace a broader perspective on success and move forward with enthusiasm, inspiration and appreciation for yourself.