Habenula & Iteration

We’ve all experienced it:

We know we should do something but fail to take action.

We plan big goals and don’t act.

We talk ourselves out of it like: 
“It’s not going to work.”
“I know I won’t follow through.”
“I tried it before, and it didn’t work.”
This frustrating gap between knowledge and action can stem from a lack of motivation, ingrained habits, or self-doubt that convinces us we’ll fail before we even start.
Why is it so hard to break these non-result-producing habits and avoid getting stuck in the same old routines? 
Read on to find some answers.
The Brain’s Feedback Center
In her new book, Unstoppable Brain, Dr. Kyra Bobinet explores the habenula, a small but crucial part of the brain involved in processing negative feedback. Dr. Bobinet explains that the habenula plays a significant role in how we experience failure and disappointment. 
She writes, “The habenula acts as the brain’s feedback center,” serving as a failure detector and activating whenever we believe we’ve failed.
Once activated, the habenula stifles our motivation, effectively shutting down our drive to try again. This can prevent us from pursuing new activities, such as a new exercise regimen, diet, or hobby.
The Key to Success: Iteration
Dr. Bobinet emphasizes iteration as a powerful tool for achieving success. Iteration involves tweaking, adapting, adjusting, and experimenting. 
“Iteration is about learning from each attempt and making incremental improvements,” she explains.
By adopting an iterative approach, we can continuously evolve and enhance our strategies, leading to greater success. This approach shifts the focus from perfect results to ongoing progress. It’s crucial to appreciate our creative efforts and problem-solving skills while adapting and tweaking our actions.

If you feel stuck and lack motivation, ask yourself:✴️ How can I reframe and iterate?

✴️ What can I do differently?

Small changes add up to significant and lasting results. 
 When you hit the Know-Do Gap, ask yourself: What can I iterate on?
By embracing the power of iteration and understanding the role of the habenula, we can bridge the gap between knowing and doing, ultimately leading to a more successful and fulfilling life.