Picture of Lara Wengert

Lara Wengert

Healthcare Executive


My initial interaction with Ulrike was by chance but soon led to one of her free consultations. She is not an “aggressive marketer”, which I appreciate! I was between roles as an executive in healthcare, with similar professional experience to roles in Ulrike’s past. In my situation, I felt vulnerable, had lost some confidence and needed a supportive mentor capable of guiding me, without pushing too hard. Ulrike is an experienced and highly competent career coach but she is also a kind, thoughtful and generous human being. She offered me the opportunity to speak with others in similar situations via relevant conversations with like minded professionals (very important), with her intentional guidance. It just so happened that I had already enrolled in a “Career Design” course offered by my alma mater when we met, and I will honestly attest that my consultative sessions with Ulrike were far more individualized, purposeful and beneficial to my job seeking endeavor. I fully endorse Ulrike’s services and highly recommend one of her free consultations to determine if you might be a good fit for each other. I consider her a beacon of light in a challenging time and so grateful that we met when we did, to facilitate my journey on to the next role I landed within just a couple of months from our chance meeting, with my confidence restored!                     ~ Lara Wengert, MS, CCC-SLP, CPHQ, CPCO, Healthcare Executive, Texas & New Mexico

Picture of Birgit Burglechner

Birgit Burglechner

Equine Practitioner


Meeting Ulrike was serendipitous as I found myself at a fork in the road of my life when we met. Having been in a horse related healthcare profession for 16 years and adding more offerings to my toolbox along with simply finding myself in a new paradigm professionally as well as personally – I felt I should seek some support. This program has provided such clarity and courage for me. Ulrike has a beautiful talent to know and read individual needs and cater the approach during the course accordingly. Receiving daily tutorials and inspiring messages to work through each week’s progress has made it so easy! Weekly group meetings via Zoom provided a feeling of community, a space to share experiences without judgment and only filled with support for each other’s journey. As each is different – but Ulrike has a gift to bring the best forth in each and everyone! I highly recommend this program and will most certainly continue to reach out for further individualized support through Ulrike to continue enhancing my journey of providing and publishing my services. Grateful indeed for all I have gained in the 30 days!   ~ Birgit Burglechner Equine Practitioner Dental, Reiki, Bremer, Colorado

Picture of Sabrena Sally

Sabrena Sally

Equestrian & Entrepreneur


Ulrike’s Mindset Secrets program was the right thing at the right time. Finding myself facing another life transition, I was at a loss as to ‘what next’? The program provides a guided framework for asking oneself open-ended questions which serve to identify one’s skills and true interests, without the limitations of self-doubt and ’shoulds’. The information and materials are presented in daily doses, making it easy to process without feeling overwhelmed. And, the weekly group sessions provide an open forum for exchanging ideas and sharing one’s challenges with others, in a confidential space. I came away from the course with a strategy for a path which I had never before considered, and which engages all of my passions and skills. Now, rather than feeling uncertain about the next chapter in my life, I am excitedly moving forward to a thrilling new goal.               ~ Sabrena Sally, Equestrian & Entrepreneur, Ohio

May E.

Health & Wellness Entrepreneur

Working with Ulrike has been a big help professionally and personally. Before I started the Business Growth Strategy program, I felt stuck with work. Going through the exercises she assigned gave me a new perspective on where I am now and how to achieve my goals. And as we’ve continued to work together, I’ve appreciated getting clear about the small steps needed to get closer to my big dreams. It’s been an empowering journey! Ulrike is a wonderful coach – encouraging, inspiring, and also great at giving clear direction so you don’t get lost in the weeds. Thank you, Ulrike, for helping me get unstuck! ~ May. E., Entrepreneur

Jessica Y

New York Entrepreneur


Most people aim for greatness in life but do not know how to get there. And that’s when they need clarity on what it is that they really want or an understanding of why they are where they are currently at. It’s all in the mind and by taking Ulrike’s program and her coaching I begun to break down the invisible barriers that have been holding me back from my true desires. For anyone that’s reading this, take my advice. Look within yourself and if you say “you need help, then take action and reach out for a mentor.” You have been led to this website for a reason and the reason is Help is here for you should you seek it.     ~ Jessica Y, Entrepreneur, New York

Picture of Nurjesa Shehadeh

Nurjesa Shehadeh

Digital Marketing Consultant


I owe a lot of where I am today to Ulrike Berzau’s guidance during my initial months on LinkedIn. Without her support, I wouldn’t have made it this far. No one gives clearer mind-empowering strategies better than Ulrike. Her practical tips and timely approach helped me find the clarity I needed to reach the professional milestone I had achieved. With that, I highly recommend her. ~  Nurjesa Shehadeh, Digital Marketing Consultant

Picture of Joshua


Global Entrepreneur


Ulrike gives you her all from start, to finish she is committed to bringing together a community that can support and bring each other up. It was a great experience to not only, uncover aspects of myself I didn’t understand but to share and relate to others with the same experience. After working with her my focus points and priorities shifted quite a bit and helped to put me onto a more focused path than I was before. It was overall an amazing experience.  ~ Joshua, Global Entrepreneur 

Picture of Michael Barris

Michael Barris

Bestselling Author & Speaker


When I started with Ulrike Berzau’s Mindset Secret program, I got my first clients in just a few weeks – going from zero to three! I also got life-changing clarity on pursuing my goals that put me on track for success as a bestselling author and speaking coach. That was huge, because before I started working with Ulrike, I had a burning dream of using my skills to help others improve their lives, but only a vague idea of how to make it happen. I relied on Ulrike heavily to guide me to the promised land. Thank you, Ulrike. You made it happen!   ~ Michael Barris, Bestselling Author & Speaking Coach, New Jersey

Picture of Sabrina Hidiroglou

Sabrina Hidiroglou

Yoga Teacher & FEI Rider, Canada


I loved this program and found the content straigthforward and applicable to a large audience. The messaging is clear and the daily prompts are easy to follow. The program also gives you a sense of community and working with like minded individuals who are striving for growth. Ulrike is very supportive and encouraging and quickly recognizes your strengths and helps you work with them. I am very happy to have taken this course and plan on doing it over again to keep working on strengthening my mindset and realizing my goals. ~ Sabrina Hidiroglou, Project Leader, Yoga Teacher & USDF FEI DREssage Rider, Canada

Picture of Jayne Bailey

Jayne Bailey

Dressage by Jayne, MI


Ulrike’s approach to stepping back and achieving a broader view of your life and goals is not only easy to follow, but gives you tools to assess your situation at any time into the future. There is no limit to how her approach can help you to reach your potential both professionally and personally. Not only is the program well organized, the supportive role of the group, and of Ulrike herself, makes you want to engage in the program. I highly recommend working with Ulrike and one of her programs!   ~ Jayne Bailey, Equestrian & Owner of Dressage by Jayne, Michigan

Picture of Kathleen Marquardt

Kathleen Marquardt

Art Specialist, FEI Rider


I was blessed to have achieved many of my equestrian goals in my li fe even showing Grand Prix. Now into my 70s my mind was seriously questioning if I could continue. I knew I could push through the pain to a degree but with two hip replacements, severe arthritis and being told that I was terribly crooked, I was not helping my horse. Giving up kept creeping into my mind. I was getting older one could get seriously hurt. I wanted to get out of this cycle of dreadful doubt. So, I bought myself a gift. A gift that I will never outgrow and will become more valuable with age. A priceless gift. A gift that presents clarity, direction and confidence in all areas of one’s wonderful life. Ulrike Berzau holds that gem to “adaptable mind strategies”. I met Ulrike through my Rider Fitness program. She is the catalyst that creates the possibilities at any age to ones’ greatness. I realized I could become more fit, but really mattered that my mind needed the same conviction. With her strategies, I now have a different perspective and feel years younger and confidently enjoying my sport. Ulrike has not only helped with my equestrian mindset but assisted me in my dealings with business and personal relationships with family members. I wish you all to allow yourself this gift to a healthy mindset. ~ Kathleen Marquart, Art Specialist, USDEF & USEF FEI Rider, Michigan

Picture of Mary Hicks

Mary Hicks

#1Bestselling Author & Reiki P.


Mindset Secrets with Ulrike Berzau is a truly wonderful and transformative program. I’ve learned strong tools for focusing the mind—not always my strong suit, especially during Covid—as well as techniques to help discover or rediscover what one’s true path might be. Ulrike is a loving and lovely leader, keeping you on track with encouragement and good old accountability. This is great value for the investment, but there’s more to it. Ulrike attracts exceptional folks and it is a deep pleasure to meet these kindred souls. I pray and believe we will all stay friends. I treasure their support for my project, the book that I’ve carried in my heart for so long. ~ Mary Hicks, #1Bestselling Author & Reiki Practitioner, North Carolina

Picture of Emarah Dure

Emarah Dure

Founder of Emarah’s Sweet Hub


Before I joined the Mindset Secrets program, I was confused about how to start my www.Emarahsweetshub.com. This program immensely helped me out to figure out things the easy way. It tremendously helped me to improve myself, take small actions towards big goals which resulted in success habits, getting more business, building reputation and having more testimonials from my clients. Yes, we all have unique skills and talent but sometimes you don’t know how to start and to overcome barriers that hold us back. When you are going to start this course you will have more positive energy and a huge success. ~ Emarah Dure, Entrepreneur & Founder of Emarah’s Sweet Hub, Toronto, Canada

Picture of Emanuela Papazisi

Emanuela Papazisi



I have been honored to learn from Mindset Secrets of High Performers program and achieve daily success from it. I found more clarity and was able to move forward with my goal achieving proccess. I learned to sketch my future dreams, prioritize tasks and work on them daily! After finishing the program I was not the same person anymore!  ~ Emanuela Papazisi, Entreprenuer & Founder of Emanuela Inspires

Picture of Chris Freeland

Chris Freeland

Founder of BoostYourBrilliance


I have come so far with your help, in such a short time. It wouldn’t have happened otherwise. I am in a good place to continue….. all thanks to you! Your practical “hands on” knowledge about online business and your tools and advice to overcome my limiting thoughts and fears has been invaluable. I look forward to our further conversations. Thank you!              ~ Coach & Founder of Boost Your Brilliance, www.boostyourbrilliance.com, USA

Dr. M. Wessolossky

Medical Doctor and Holistic Coach


I worked with Ulrike and I was impressed ….it was fantastic ….. find your passion that will allow you to flow easily to your goal. Now I have the how, the how to work on my purpose, the how to achieve my goals in a much transparent, much easier way…you would not regret…. (this is an excerpt from an audio testimonial)   ~ Dr. M. Wesselowski, MD, Physician & Holistic Coach & Consultant, Boston, MA

Picture of Kimberly Hart

Kimberly Hart

Sunland Ranch, Equestrian


Ulrike gave me tools to organize my thoughts to propel my business forward. I’m busier and more productive thanks to her Mindset Secrets of High Performers course.  ~ Kimberly Hart, Equestrian & Sunland Ranch Owner, California


Picture of Marion Dresel

Marion Dresel

3x Gold  USDF


I was able to focus on my goal instead of letting myself being taking over by fear of failure. I am still scratching my head about the results from last weekend`s rides. I would have never done it if Ulrike hadn’t insisted on pushing myself, but in a quiet, self-confident way. I have the key to future success now!  ~ Marion Dresel 3x USDF Gold Medalist, Equestrian & Breeder, Cocololla Creek, Idaho   

Rumana Kasim

Physical Therapist & CEO


When I started working with Ulrike, I was struggling to make payroll…now I paid off my loans, added new equipment, hired more staff, and took three months paid personal time to travel and enjoy!!! Through Ulrike’s coaching, I learned to identify and set my goals, personally and professionally, consistent with what matters most to me, my values and my passions. This helped me to see things from a different perspective, free myself from unnecessary stress and brought clarity to my plans for the future, much more than if I would have tried to do it on my own. Today I am focused, calm and confident. I am excited about my progress and am confident about the continued growth and success for me personally and for my company.                  ~  Rumana Kasim, PT, Founder & CEO of Comprehensive Physical Therapy Center, www.compptc.com, Michigan. 

Picture of Mutya Grunwald

Mutya Grunwald

Designer & Entrepreneur


I found the experience great! The program gave me more clarity on which direction to take.  ~ Mutya Grunwald, Sustainable Design & Wellness Entrepreneur, Germany

Wendy Klappenbach

Equestrian & Entrepreneur


Every morning I wake up I’m faced with choices from clothing, to food to what projects to tackle for the day. But I now know that the most important choice is what I do with my mind and heart. That will be my path for the day. Yes, we all have unique skills and talent but sometimes you don’t know how to start and to overcome barriers that hold us back. When you are going to start this course you will have more positive energy and a huge success.  ~ Wendy Klappenbach, Equestrian & Entrepreneur, Idaho

Picture of Mia Marcum McCoy

Mia Marcum McCoy

Author & Speaker


Amazing Results – that is what your coaching did for me and the reason I finished writing and published my book, Phenomenal Brain Power: From Brain Injury to Brain Awakening. I continue to use the skills you taught to identify new desires and to manifest my dreams into reality. I’ve made progress past the point the doctors said I would reach, living a higher quality of life I had been led to believe I would with a brain injury. Being part of coaching and mastermind groups takes the focus off the brain injury and makes me feel like a regular person who just happens to have challenges. Everyone has challenges.                ~  Mia Darlene Marcum McCoy, M.A. Author, Inspirational Speaker, Philanthropist, Brain Injury Survivor, WA     

Picture of Mohammad Bashir

Mohammad Bashir



Ulrike Berzau, MM, MHS, PT, FACHE is an invaluable resource for anyone in need of an executive coach! In our first session, from my experience with her, she gives already extraordinary value and benefits. Beginning with identifying targeted areas for improvement followed by practicing and mastering techniques I am glad that we met, It is the best professional decision that I have ever made…and it is fun!

~B2B Lead Generation | Social Selling | Entrepreneur Empowerment Club, www.joinbashir.com. Toronto, Canada

Picture of Kayla Haas

Kayla Haas

Amazon Lead & Consultant


Being mentored and trained by Ulrike, has been an invaluable experience. Before I met Ulrike, I was already on the personal development and personal growth path; however, it was slow going and full of more valleys than peaks. After working with Ulrike, the EXACT opposite has occurred! My success and personal growth is accelerating, and my days are filled with far more peaks than valleys. I truly feel like I am FINALLY on the right path to a happy life of purpose and fulfillment – and I owe Ulrike a World of gratitude for what she has instilled in me.   ~ Kayla Haas, Amazon Docketing Team Lead, Isagenix 1 Star Consultant, Washington State

Scott Newell

Healthcare Executive


Ulrike is an exceptional mentor and coach and I feel blessed to have worked with her early on in my professional career. Through coaching, Ulrike taught me to communicate more effectively, develop individuals and build teams, propel projects and processes forward, and deliver results. She has remarkable vision and knowledge and provided me incredible insight on how I could improve my leadership skills. As a result of working with Ulrike, I have become a much more effective and influential leader.    ~ Scott Newell, FACHE, OTR, MBA, Healthcare Executive, Michigan

Yvonne Haas

Manager & Network Marketer


Through Ulrike’s coaching, insight and instruction I got stronger, more self-confident and courageous. After we started coaching together I did the unthinkable! I went to visit a Toastmasters meeting. I was only going to visit. That would be good enough to satisfy Ulrike for another year, right! I wrote a long, rambling, incoherent speech and read it to Ulrike. She gently made suggestions, cuts, additions and adjustments. In the end, I had a very strong speech on who I am and what I stand for. She taught me techniques on how to practice giving a speech. I didn’t even know there was such a thing! She had me visualize myself giving a successful speech. She taught me step by step on what to do the day of the speech. How to walk up to the podium, how to hold my hands, how to engage the audience, body language.  ~  Yvonne Haas, Manager and Network Marketing Professional, Washington State

Dr. Sahar Bogota

Manager, Infinity Home Care


Ms. Ulrike Berzau provided our organization support that really helped us to accomplish our CARF ACCREDITATION. Her ability to focus on the core of each standard, provide supporting information and tools, and conduct training really steered us to a successful survey process. She is very knowledgeable and shows expertise in what she is doing and very quickly responded to our concerns and inquiries. She always made herself available when we needed to discuss things. Ms. Berzau was very effective at her job and it is a pleasure to recommend her as an accomplished Consultant on accreditation programs.  ~ Dr. Sahar Bogota, General Manager Infinity Home Care, United Arab Emirates

Picture of Melissa Spell Deal

Melissa Spell Deal

Compassionate Horse Click


Ulrike has so many valuable qualities that it is impossible to list them all here. I can tell you that my relationship with her is priceless. She not only cares about her clients, their businesses and their success, she inspires you to reach beyond what you believe is possible. Her ideas appeal to the masses regardless of the type of business that you are in because she understands the hearts and minds of humans. She is unafraid to share her heart and her extraordinary expertise and I highly recommend her! (June 2019).

Ulrike Berzau is such a gift. She coaches from the heart and from her own experience doing the very things that every business owner must do. Her guidance keeps me from having to reinvent the wheel and learn everything the hard way. The opportunity to have her objective review of my business and materials is priceless!  (2021)  ~ Melissa Spell Deal, Victory Land Dressage, Connection Training Positive Reinforcement www.compassionatehorseclick.com

Picture of Dr. Ashraf Rashed

Dr. Ashraf Rashed

Healthcare & Quality Consultant


“I have known Ms. Ulrike Berzau personally for over three years and have always found her as a great model for the international consultant who manages to transfer her knowledge and expertise to many healthcare facilities in the Middle East. Ms. Ulrike led many successful CARF accreditation projects for several Home Care and Rehabilitation Facilities. She has a unique approach interacting with client facilitated by her leadership style, excellent coaching & mentorship. In addition, Ms. Ulrike is #1 Bestselling Author, experienced CARF Surveyor and Igniting Human and Business Potential Coach. She is an exceptional results-oriented consultant and offering valuable resources on her website: www.UlrikeBerzau.com. It was a great opportunity for me to work with Ms. Ulrike on several healthcare accreditation projects and I believe she always makes an excellent value addition to her client.  ~ Dr. Ashraf Rashed, MD, MBA, CPHQ, LSSBB, IRCA, D.HA, D.TQM. Surgeon, Healthcare & Quality Consultant, United Arab Emirates & Canada

Picture of Maja Arsić

Maja Arsić

Facilitatator of Collaborative Work


“I have been working with Ulrike for several years now. From the first step of gaining clarity and structuring my business strategy, to the most recent talks on how to take my activities to the next level – Ulrike has always been an amazing sparring partner. Her business background and corporate experience combined with her strong knowledge of different markets and understanding client needs have lifted up my work to a different level. Through her business coaching sessions, I consolidated my activities and gained new insights about media trends, desired target groups and new possibilities for the future business growth. Ulrike has designed and is running several successful programs that you definitely do not want to miss!  ~ Maja Arsic, Design & Facilitator of Collaborative Work, Europe Global

G. W. Real Estate Entrepreneur


When I started with Ulrike, I was on a three-year success program but was not having the results I was looking for. In the first two months in her program, I achieved 30% of my financial goals. A breakthrough in my thinking occurred that released my mental roadblocks. I am so thankful for her time and efforts to share this life-changing program with me. I will always be grateful for her impact on my life.  ~ G. W. Real Estate Entrepreneur, Washington State

Picture of Lynette Lewis

Lynette Lewis

CEO of Purpose Made Alive


I’m so grateful that I connected with Ulrike Berzau, business consultant/coach, to assist me in taking my business to the next level of success. Ulrike is professional, engaging, compassionate and supportive in her approach to walking me through the steps of her “Unchain My Business” program. She shares effective marketing strategies, how to improve my social media presence, as well as tips for developing a path to increase my speaking engagements. We identified key strategies and developed action plans to help me navigate the journey to greater success for my business. The “Unchain Your Business” program is user friendly as a standalone program with videos and easy to follow materials, however, I found the supportive one on one coaching I received from Ulrike to be especially beneficial to solid application of the principles taught. Her experience, expertise and business acumen is evident in her presentation style and the information shared. I would recommend Ulrike Berzau to all business owners aspiring to take their business to the next level of success.  ~ Lynette Lewis, Owner & CEO of Purpose Made Alive, LLC, Florida.

Ayat N. Al Sadoun

Vice President, Dmetco Home Health


We are extremely grateful for all the time and effort Ms. Ulrike Berzau put in to support Dmetco Home HealthCare L.L.C. to obtain the CARF accreditation. Despite the time difference, she was always accessible, ready, and prepared to answer all our questions and guide us to improve our chances to obtain the accreditation. Her support and continuous encouragement, reassurance, and exceptionally structured presentations provided our management and employees with the confidence and spirit to complete the required tasks in record time. Thank you again, Ms. Ulrike, for your guidance, we couldn’t have done it without you.  ~ Ayat N. Al Sadoun, Vice President, Dmetco Home HealthCare L.L.C. United Arab Emirates

Picture of Dr. May

Dr. May

CEO Merciful Hands Home Care


Ms.Ulrike is the consummate business consulting professional as she knows how to put everyone at ease. She has strong group communication skills and her professional and refined approach makes her work much valuable……As a business consultant, the consultative approach to improve services and meet the needs of the stakeholders was magnificent. She contributed to the teams and individuals of our facility to utilize effective business practice approach. She has been right there, helping out wherever and whenever needed for these past few months……….Ulrike’s advice as business consultant has allowed our organization to expand and her eye for detail has helped us to implement standards that have made our organization more efficient and profitable….(excerpt from the full testimonial).    ~ Dr. May Ismail, MD, Physician & CEO of Merciful Hands Home Health Care, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates 

Picture of Nadirah R Bray

Nadirah R Bray

Goddess in Motion


Ulrike Berzau took me through the passion test for business and within one month after getting clear on my business I taught my program at the library, I got a job to teach my program at a local nursing home once a month, I was honored to be in SD women’s magazine and interviewed in the women of distinction section. I started a nonprofit so I can give back 10 + percent of my earnings to people, organizations and charities. And my dream has been to get paid to travel the world, speak and train and this summer I was asked to perform in Berkley for an event as well as I am booked to teach and perform in Detroit, Florida and Spokane so far.  ~ Nadiarah Bray, Coach & Founder of Goddess in Motion, San Diego


Picture of Kevin Howell

Kevin Howell



Before working with Ulrike, I thought I had a pretty clear understanding of the goals and direction of my business. But in reality, I was working hard on tasks, but not taking time to understand the core values of my business and the ideal clients I wanted to serve. By working with Ulrike and applying principles from The Passion Test for Business, I discovered the top values that matter most to my business and set clear goals and action steps. I now have confidence in the direction of my business and am on the path to exceptional results! ~ Kevin Howell, Writer, Editor, Journalist @ On Point Editing, New Jersey

Michelle B. Miller

Holistic and Intuitive Practitioner


Since I have been working with Ulrike, I’ve been feeling more positive and have already noticed great changes in this short period of time. She has helped me a great deal.  ~ Michelle B. Miller, Holistic and Intuitive Practitioner, Florida

Alexandra L

LC Jewelry Owner


Ulrike helped me a lot. She put into my mind positive ideas and things. She pulled out the negative and replaced it with a clear strategy which allows me to control my actions and get results. I know if you put your positive ideas into action, you have strong results and you see the difference. Ulrike ignited my light, personally and professionally.  ~ Alexandra L, LC Jewelry Owner, New Jersey

Elizabeth Bone

Empowerment Coach


Ulrike helped me build a solid foundation for my business, and to organize and simplify my business strategies. She taught me how to use social media and pushed me out of my comfort zone to become visible online. She also provided me with connections and resources to grow my business. Her six-step process gave me clarity about my unique tools and strategies, my ideal clients, and the actions I needed to take to connect with and serve my ideal clients. Through encouragement and support, Ulrike has helped me to become more confident. My business is thriving now, and I’m being asked to give talks about my areas of expertise.  ~ Elizabeth Bone, Empowerment Coach & Business Consultant @Elizabeth Bone Coaching, California

Dr. Sharon Yeagle



I broke my hip 2.5 years ago, radiographs showed everything was perfect but I continued to have daily pain. I enrolled in the Ultimate Pain Free Riding Solution looking for answers. In addition to foundational exercises that target correct alignment part of the program is devoted to Mind Strategies that Ulrike has developed. We have all heard about the power of the mind, Ulrike has a gift in the way she presents her methods that allow us to easily harness that power. Her Mind Strategies have been a powerful addition to my new pain-free life. ~ Sharon Yeagle, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, North Dakota

Picture of Nadirah R. Bray

Nadirah R. Bray

Passion Test Consultant


Ulrike Berzau, one of the two most amazing Passion Test Master Trainers in the World! WOW! If anyone is on the fence about taking the passion test for business, please hop off and take it, this training will take your business to the next level and then some! Just know that with the knowledge you gain you will be able to manifest your ideal business and that is priceless! I took the passion test for business last May and now my program is in three facilities and with Ulrike’s business coaching on Monday’s I am getting the support I need to really take my business to the level I know it can be. PS Oasis is a nation wide company contact them to see about teaching a Passion Test Workshop there! ~ Nadirah R. Bray, Passion Test Consultant, California

Testimonials From Ulrike’s Group Presentations


“Awesome class Ulrike. You always inspire me.” 

“Thank you!! I appreciate the information, plus the time to gather in groups to express our goals to others. It was very empowering to hear myself state my goals and feel the support. Your presentation has helped me to once again stay on track and be focused on using all my senses to manifest. Believing that it is already here–right NOW” 

“The information was well put together. A++” 

“Ulrike is exceptional” 

“Excellent information. Amazing and vibrant women. I learned a lot. Thank you Ulrike!” 

“This was an awesome class with great instructions from Ulrike and wonderful interaction from the “class!” 

“Thanks Ulrike for bringing this amazing information to us last night. As you can see, many of us hunger for a better way of manifesting the dreams that we hold so dear. You’ve given us ‘legs’ to walk ourselves into a far more productive and satisfying future.” 

“Ulrike is the best! She is a very good coach, very caring and makes the class fun.” 

“Thank you for sharing your light Ulrike……when we learn new thoughts which are able to help us view and understand life in a whole new way, everything changes for us. We look at yourself, your life, and everyone and everything around us in a completely new way. We realize our potential is waiting for us, it is not out of reach—it is something we can achieve.Thank you again Ulrike.” 

“Ulrike, I loved your class last night. I agree the energy was great. You have a great teaching style. You challenge us to use examples from our own lives to change our perspective for success. Thank-you.” 

“….the facilitator is Ulrike who has some amazing credentials. I would say this class would be one of the best classes of your life and a quantum leap into the world of Metaphysics.” 

“Ulrike is amazing. She subtly leads you to be the greatest you can be and see your blockages and move past them, to write down your goals and follow thru. I highly recommend her classes. ”

H.E.A.L. Summit


Featured in H.E.A.L. by Verna Bowen: What is it about Ulrike that allows her to be passionate, results-driven, and continuously upgrading her skills and education? Ulrike believes that no matter how much we work on self-development and how much we feel we have arrived at our goals, there is always room for polishing and refining what we already have achieved, always a way to make things better. “This is not to say we are never good enough,” but simply that there is “always room for enhancement,” she says. Ulrike continues, “I want people to know that I am an executive coach and consultant who is passionate about leading individuals and organizations to exceptional results, and that I have extensive experience in health care as a physical therapist and health care executive. What lights me up is when I can make an impact on people; to see them grow, develop and blossom, and to know that what I do in their life matters; to know that what I teach them helps them to turn their lives around, and they fulfill their dreams; to know that I have given them the tools and the ability to move towards where they want to go.” Verna Bowen, All Ways Inspired, Calgary, Canada