As a former healthcare executive and CEO of rehab hospitals, I have been working with executive leaders, entrepreneurs, athletes, and patients in rehabilitation for many years. Through my first-hand experience and additional training with top transformational leaders, I discovered what sets those who advance, often seemingly effortless, apart from others.
I found the keys and the steps successful people use and developed Mind Strategies® and winning Business Growth Strategies.
In addition, I am excited that my international bestseller, Imagine a Healthy You has positively impacted so many.
Reach out to me and let me know how I can support you. I am inviting you to book a complimentary Strategy Session here: Contact Ulrike
To your joyful success!
Ulrike Berzau, MM, MHS, PT, FACHE
Ulrike has been many times recognized for her leadership, innovative approach and contributions to the community and has led two hospitals to the Hospital of Choice Award, one even in the Top 10
Contact Ulrike for a complimentary Strategy session.
As a former healthcare executive and CEO of rehab hospitals, I have been working with executive leaders, entrepreneurs, athletes and patients in rehabilitation for many years. Through my first-hand experience and additional training with top transformational leaders, I discovered what sets those who advance, often seemingly effortless, apart from others.
I found the keys and the steps successful people use and developed Mind Strategies® and winning Business Growth Strategies.
In addition, I am excited that my international bestseller, Imagine a Healthy You has positively impacted so many.
Reach out to me and let me know how I can support you. I am inviting you to book a complimentary Strategy Session here: Contact Ulrike
To your joyful success!
Ulrike Berzau, MM, MHS, PT, FACHE
Ulrike has been many times recognized for her leadership, innovative approach and contributions to the community and has led two hospitals to the Hospital of Choice Award, one even in the Top 10
Contact Ulrike for a complimentary Strategy session.